Just Breathe: Parenting Your LGBTQ Teen

Heather Hester

Navigating the beautiful journey of parenting an LGBTQIA+ child and supporting their unique path of love, identity, and discovery can sometimes feel like you're sailing uncharted waters—but you're not alone! Welcome to the "Just Breathe: Parenting Your LGBTQ Teen" podcast with Heather Hester, your companion in transforming the conversation around LGBTQIA+ love, parenting, and allyship.

Heather Hester is the founder of Chrysalis Mama, guiding parents, communities, and professionals to understand, empower, and embrace their LGBTQ+ teens from a clear and compassionate place. She is also the creator/host of the Top 1% podcast Just Breathe: Parenting your LGBTQ Teen and the author of Parenting with Pride: Unlearn Bias and Embrace, Empower, and Love Your LGBTQ+ Teen. Heather believes in being authentic and embracing the messiness.


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